The Trust Central Team provides the core business functions to ensure that the Trust complies with its statutory responsibilities and supports the operations and educational performance of our academies.
The team operates under the leadership of the CEO; working with staff and Governors in schools to ensure that the required outcomes and priorities of the Trust are achieved in accordance with the Trust’s Mission and strategic priorities as agreed by the Trust Board.
Helen Whitaker
Head of Governance
Helen oversees all aspects of Governance, complaints, GDPR and policies. Helen has responsibility for ensuring governance across the Trust is effective and compliant with statutory responsibilities. Helen has over 10 years’ experience in Governance and over 20 years’ experience in education and training. Prior to joining the Trust, Helen worked for a large multi academy Trust which she had been part of since before its formation. She has a track record of developing effective systems and leading/managing change in Governance. Helen is also a Governor at a local primary school. Helen's main aim is to make the best use of Governor's and Trustee's time as volunteers to allow them to support the trust's vision and priorities in our schools.